Rainbow Adventures

Saturday, December 16, 2006

tonight I wocht x-man.

hi today my brother drod on the cupboard door.

Friday, December 15, 2006

My Christmas Concert

Thats me in the brown shirt
These are angels we made for Grandma M today at the Family Christmas Night because Grandma likes angles, they are her favorite.'Cept maybe grandpa.

we made cards too, but the glue would not dry and they got brokena and stuck together and ripped and it was ok tho cus mom said we have tape.This is for that lady who wants cat pictures. (blogarita LOL)

*I,meaning me, bluepaintred, RM's momma, taped these and our camera is *sob* broked and it takes crappy video and i should always remember to take the tripod thingy so i dont shake LOL*

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Concert Things

I had my christmas concert today. My mom came to my christmas concert with my papa and aunty Kiss came too. And we sang lots of christmas songs. Today I got to walk home from school with my friend H. and my other friend H. My mom said I cannot use real names.

Today when I was walking home from school I saw two tractors, one was putting lots of snow in anohter one with lots of snow int he bucket int he back of it. I think it was a dump truck and the other one was picking up lots and lots of snow.

I watched a movie today, it was called toy land and there was two little kids and there was some goblins that they had to fight with an army of soldier toys. The leader of the goblins got defeated by getting hit by light and then they stopped all the goblins.

Tommorrow mom will put the videos of my christmas concert on here. She is grouchy tonight.

*a word from mom*

RM decided he wanted a blog. So here he goes. I dont know if he will actually update it, he is only seven, but he seemed to enjoy the tweaking of this template and dictating his post. He is linked on the top of my blog, up by pics and youtube. If he updates, I will mention it in my posts. I assume that only family will be reading this, cus, remember...he is seven lol..

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